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3 Courses

Net zero emission in agriculture
Farming Advice Service online courses
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Farming Advice Service online courses

Net zero emission in agriculture

This course covers the basics of net zero and what this means for farming businesses, including actions that could be taken on farm to achieve it.

Farming rules for water
Farming Advice Service online courses
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Farming Advice Service online courses

Farming rules for water

The 8 farming rules for water came into effect in 2018 and  all farmers in England must comply with them. This course provides an overview of each of the rules and information on how they are enforced.

Nitrate vulnerable zones
Farming Advice Service online courses
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Farming Advice Service online courses

Nitrate vulnerable zones

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) are areas designated as being at risk from agricultural nitrate pollution. They include about 55% of land in England. This course covers the essential information relevant to the nitrate vulnerable zones that farmers and land owners are required to follow